persistent attacking 意味

  • persistent attacking


        attacking:    {名} : 《囲碁》攻め{せめ}
        persistent:     persistent adj. しつこい, 根気強い, 頑固な. 【副詞】 be doggedly persistent あくまでも粘り強い. 【+前置詞】 He was persistent in his effort to work out a compromise plan. なんとか妥協案を考えだそうとする努力をあくまでも続けた.
        attacking army:    attacking army 寄せ手 よせて
        attacking direction:    attacking direction 攻撃方向 こうげきほうこう
        attacking force:    attacking force 攻撃軍 こうげきぐん
        attacking forces:    attacking forces 攻撃部隊 こうげきぶたい
        attacking formation:    attacking formation 攻撃隊形 こうげきたいけい
        attacking in waves:    attacking in waves 波状攻撃 はじょうこうげき
        attacking speed:    攻撃速度{こうげき そくど}
        attacking the shogunate:    attacking the shogunate 討幕 とうばく
        attacking with fire:    attacking with fire 火攻め ひぜめ
        attacking zone:    アタッキング?ゾーン
        invading and attacking:    invading and attacking 侵撃 しんげき
        keep on attacking:    攻撃{こうげき}の手を緩めない
        start attacking:    攻撃を開始する


  1. "persistent anterior hyperplastic primary vitreous" 意味
  2. "persistent application" 意味
  3. "persistent argument" 意味
  4. "persistent asset deflation" 意味
  5. "persistent atrioventricular canal" 意味
  6. "persistent aversion" 意味
  7. "persistent bioaccumulative and toxic" 意味
  8. "persistent bombardment" 意味
  9. "persistent buying" 意味
  10. "persistent asset deflation" 意味
  11. "persistent atrioventricular canal" 意味
  12. "persistent aversion" 意味
  13. "persistent bioaccumulative and toxic" 意味

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